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 BabyFetus Ticker

Monday, November 15, 2010

It's a BOY!!!

The baby's profile at 18 weeks

The junk...aka boy parts

Today was our 18 week ultrasound and we found out we are having a BOY.  We were both very excited but I was VERY shocked.  I thought for sure I was having a girl.  It feels very cool now that I can say I am having a son.  After we found out Jason and I went shopping for our first boy outfit.  We came home with a cute little newborn onsie that has little monkey feet.  Then we went out to Outback Steakhouse to have a "man meal."  We both ordered steak and potatoes.  Now the hard part will be coming up with a name...

His little waving hand with 5 fingers showing.

The baby is doing wonderful.  He sure was bouncing around all over the place during our ultrasound.  The tech would go to take a picture and he'd completely roll over.  He is measuring about 1 week bigger and is in the 88th percentile for his fetal age.  He's going to be tall and long like his father.  When the shot between the legs appeared on the screen there was no doubt in my mind what we were having.  It was quite obvious that we were having a baby boy.  The tech kind of laughed and said, "oh yeah, you are definitely having a boy.  Our first baby class starts Wednesday night.  We will meet 7 other couples who are due right around our due date.  Hopefully we can make some friends. 

Jason and I look forward to watching our first son grow and change.  We can't wait to hold him in our arms.
He's already loved so much and I can't imagine my life without him.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010


16 weeks

16 weeks

Today we are officially 17 weeks pregnant.  Apparently our baby is being compared to an onion.  That's such a lovely thought...our little onion.  Which then makes me think of Shrek, so then I think of Ogres.  So now I'm having a green, bug eating, monster.  AWESOME!

Anyways, next Monday, November 15th is our gender ultrasound.  We finally get to see whether our baby is a boy or a girl.  Jason and I have done many of the "at home" gender tests.  So far every single tests points to a girl.  We checked the Chinese calendar, the Mayan calendar, the color of my urine, how high the baby is sitting, and the heart rate.  These tests have concluded that we will be having a little girl.  According to my mother this isn't possible because scientifically it just makes sense that we would have a boy.  According to my Father we are having a girl because "paybacks are a bitch!"  We would like for all of you to cast your votes on our little one.  The winners really get nothing out of it, but it's still fun.

Bowling for Julia's 30th Birthday!

Our lives have been very relaxing the last few weeks.  Jason and I are completely obsessed with Dexter the TV series.  Our new favorite hobby is to order the seasons on Netflix and watch them five hours at a time. We have also been busy with hanging up things in our new house.  I have a very difficult time deciding which picture goes where.  We are really looking forward to having Thanksgiving in Flagstaff this year.  It will be nice to get out of the house and go somewhere new.  I heard that snow is a possibility.  Our dog Roxy would sure LOVE that.  Diego, not so much, he refuses to walk or pee in the snow.  He literally shivers like he is dying while Roxy does dive bombs into snowbanks.   They sure keep us entertained.  I have to say so far pregnancy has been a pleasant experience.  It sure is weird watching my belly grow, and other parts that I don't want to grow.  I'm just waiting for that  first movement of the baby.  According to the books, you can start to feel flutters at 16 weeks.  I haven't felt anything yet but I just keep waiting.  I will let you all know the outcome of the sex ASAP.