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Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Daddy Do's and Dont's

Well this whole experience has certainly been a learning experience.  I thought I knew that no matter what Jenny is right, however little did I know that Jenny is always right even when she says she is not!  It can be entirely confusing knowing how to respond when every answer has a predetermined path to failure.

With all of that said our pregnancy has been extremely smooth and a blast.  Each week brings us new news about our little boy and with him now practicing karate inside of Jenny's ever expanding belly we can get a feel for how feisty he will be. 

Working on the nursery has really opened my eyes to how close we are to expanding our family.  This opportunity has been a long time coming and Jenny and I are very aware of how our life will change (well at least we think!).  This is all very exciting and I really can not wait until Reed can come home with us.



  1. great job on the blog guys! Love the paint job. Let me know if you ever need a hand with the nursery jenny. Would love to hang out soon. Let me know what you are craving next and we can plan a double date (plus third wheels Liberty and Reed).

  2. Love the nursery and the name Reed. can't wait for Reed to make his appearance.
