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Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Winter Break

I know it's been a while (I'm sorry Aunt Amy).  I actually have some time to sit and write.  Having a class full of 26 six year olds isn't always the easiest job.  This year so far I've already had two kids throw up on me and I had to wear jeans with throw up on them for the remainder of the day.  Oh the joys of first grade:) 

24 weeks

 Let's talk a little bit about our pregnancy... We are 24 weeks along and so far I absolutely enjoy being pregnant.  He moves around constantly and it is such an awesome reminder throughout my day that my little guy is in my belly.  When I lay in bed at night is when he gets really active.  Jason has been talking to the belly at night so I think the baby loves his daddy's voice.  I still eat whatever I feel like eating, although our nurse practitioner just praises vegetables.  I try to eat vegetables when I can, but when I get a craving there is no stopping it.  I can now finish my plate faster than Jason.  The pounds just keep adding up but according to the weight gain chart I am exactly where I need to be so the nurse can't yell at me too bad.  Our big news is that we have finally decided on a name...Reed!  Now we can refer to him in first person rather than he or it. 

My mother standing in the snow

This past week we have been very busy working on the nursery and visiting with family.  I drove to Flagstaff with my mother and spent the week with her.  Then Jason joined us on Christmas Eve in Flagstaff.  We had the perfect snow storm, just enough to have fun in but not get stuck.  Our dog Roxy just loves the snow, she rolled in it for hours. 

On Christmas morning Jason and I headed to Parker, Arizona to visit with his family.  Parker had beautiful weather and Jason's aunt Amy lives right on the river.  Of course our dog was in the water within 0.000001 of a second.  We ate steak and crab legs and watched Jason and his dad entertain us with fireworks.  We came home from Parker the day after Christmas and got right to work on the nursery. 

Jason, Dad and Diego in Parker

Roxy jumping (being thrown) into river

4 Wheelin' in the Polaris!

My mother bought us a nice crib and a glider for our darling little boy.  While I was away for the week Jason painted the baby's nursery (trust was hard to be away for that).  He really did a great job!  We put together all the furniture in about 7 hours and decided on what looked best.  Now that we have a room with furniture, it seems to be getting closer.  Today, my wonderful friend Jamie, came over to work on a mural for the nursery.  She is an amazing artist, but I'm not going to show off her work until the mural is complete.  

Jason's paint job, baby blue with chocolate

For Christmas Jason's father and step-mom got us an awesome new camera.  From here on out I will be updating my blog with more pictures of the nursery and the belly.  We get another ultrasound in 4 weeks.  That will be the 3D ultrasound.  Can't wait!   

Hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas.  I still have about a week left, but I will be spending tomorrow in my classroom getting ready for next week.  Go team first grade!

1 comment:

  1. If Reed is only as big as a papaya - what's with the 'bump'? You got something else in there?
    It was really good to see you two at Christmas. You look super cute pregnant.
    We will expect lots of pictures!!!
    Love you THREE!!!
    Dad and Ali
